I just found a really neat post that teaches you how to make sweet and tart plum sauce for pancakes: http://www.makeandtakes.com/sweet-and-tart-plum-sauce-for-pancakes. I thought the recipie was easy to make. It only takes about 3-5 minutes to make the sauce, and about 10 minutes to make a healthy breakfast.
Here’s the recipe:
l 1/4 cup butter
l 1/4 cup sugar
l 2 cups fruit, cut the fruits into cubes in 1/2 inch chunks (it can be any types of fruits)
l 1 Tablespoon flour
1. In a saucepan over medium to low heat, and melt butter.
2. Add in sugar and stir to mix the butter with the sugar and to melt it.
3. Pour fruits in and stir, then let it heat up for a minute.
4. Sprinkle in your flour and stir the mixture well.
5. Boil your mixture for one minute, stir constantly.
6. Reduce your heat to low and let the mixture simmer for 7-9 minutes to let it thicken up. If you want your sauce to be thinner, then only cook this for a few minutes. If you’d like the sauce to be thicker, then cook for 10-12 minutes.
7. Enjoy your sauce with pancakes.
I thought this post was really neat, because I never knew you could make your own pancake sauce! I thought that it was better this way to make your pancake sauce rather than buying it from a supermarket, because I thought that it was healthier this way. The sauces they sell in supermarkets might not be as healthy, because you don’t know what ingredients they add inside and there might be something that’s bad for your body. But eating it this way is safer and healthier! I really think that I should try this recipe next time and make my own tasty and healthy breakfast!
But Hurry, These Are Getting Lonely. Drizzle on Your Warmed up Plum Sauce. N.d. Photograph. Sweet and Tart Plum Sauce for Pancakes. Sweet and Tart Plum Sauce for Pancakes. Ed. Marie LeBaron. Mke and Takes, 3 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. http://www.makeandtakes.com/sweet-and-tart-plum-sauce-for-pancakes.n: